Friday, November 5, 2010

Schoolio is Coolio

Hey peeps, Kendra is back yo!

What have I been up to you ask? I'll make a list. :)

School has been going really well. I think this will be my first semester where I'll pass all of my classes!! Yay me!!

I also signed up this week for my classes next semester. I finally decided to make it official--I'm a pre-Elementary Education major! I'm kind of excited, but at the same time I'm nervous. The Major wants students to take somewhere between 14-16 credits a semester, but I just don't think I can handle that much work. So I'll be taking a few classes during the spring and summer terms to ease the load during the semesters.

I work at the Creamery. :) Holla! It's tons of fun, even though I have to handle raw meats. I am so lucky to have such great co-workers. They make working so much fun, and most of the time I don't even think about what else I could be doing with my time.

It's truly been a great semester so far. I am having so much fun in my apartment complex. I feel like I am making a lot of friends here and it's great!! I've never had so many guy friends before. I feel like I'm making a lot of progress in talking to the opposite gender. It's not as awkward as it used to be (for both me and the guys I talk to.. Haha). My roomies and I get along really well so it's always so much fun to be with them. I have 3 of my 5 classes with Hayley and Katrina so that's super awesome because we all study for classes together.

Oh!! So for Hayley's 19th birthday (She's a youngin'!) we went up to Sundance and had a photo shoot. I got a new camera this year which is really awesome compared to my old, cracked and junky grandma one. :)

Aren't we just so adorable? I love us. Really. I am so grateful to have these girls as my roomies! I don't know where I would be without them. They are truly my best friends and I hope we stay that way for forever. I can't imagine BYU life without them! They say the only true friends are ones that make you want to be a better person. Well, I would have to say this is true about Katrina and Hayley!

And, just for kicks and giggles, here's a funny picture of Hayley and I that I just love dearly:
I hope all of you are having wonderful 2010's so far! Mine has been GREAT!



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