Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hey all! So the temp job went well. They were actually too slow, so Friday was our last day. I sometimes would sit there for an hour without anything to do, so I drew all over a box. Look at how bored I was!

I'm kind of sad, but then again I'm not. I was getting up at 4 AM to get there on time, which was terrible. I always came home and had a nap afterward, unless I had to go immediately to my other job at Robert's. Luckily, though, I can now sleep in, and I paid for my first month of housing at BYU! Yay!
So, guess what? I'm going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with two of my best friends, Tonya and Alex. If you didn't know, I absolutely adore those books with all my heart, with the burning passion of a million million suns.'s pretty intense, I know. But it rocks! Annnndd, next week at Robert's is Wizards Week! I am SO dressing up. It's going to be awesome. If you come visit me, I will be happy. I work Friday evening, so come on in!

Well, that's all I have to say for now. See you later!


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