Monday, November 15, 2010


So last night while Hayley and I were getting ready for bed, we were talking about needing to remind ourselves about all the good things that have happened during the day, so we decided to start writing gratitude journals. And as I was writing in mine, I came to this realization:



I mean I've realized it before, but it was just one of those things where I hadn't really thought about it in a while. I started writing out just some simple things that I'm grateful for, like waking up on time to get to church, or being able to have a good laugh with some friends we had over last night to play games. So I was thinking about it a lot and it just made me really grateful for my life and for all the things that people (including me) take for granted.

For example: toilets.

There are people in the world who have never had indoor plumbing. Ever. Yet here in America it's one of those things that people don't even think about NOT having. Imagine watching a TV show like "House Hunters" on HGTV and the Realtor walks through a house with a couple and saying, "And the home owners just added a new addition to the house: a brand-new toilet!" and then the couple "oohs and ahhs" for a second because they've heard about people having one of those, but they've only seen pictures of it until now. Would you think that's weird? Before last night, I think I would have.

Another thing I take for granted: school.

I've been going to school since I was three (if we're counting pre-school), and there are times where I whine about it. "This teacher's stupid, this homework is pointless, I don't want to be here, blah blah blah" you name it. I've probably complained about it. But what do I really have to complain about? There are little girls in foreign countries who would give anything to take my place in school. But those little girls can't go to school, because they have to take care of their younger siblings, or they're not allowed because of their gender, or there simply isn't a school nearby. I have been completely ungrateful for years for the fact that I have known how to read since I was five. I can do basic math. I can write my thoughts in (semi)coherent sentences. Not everyone can do that.

And you know the thing I've taken for granted the most? love.

I'm not talking about love like "I'm in love with you, please stay with me forever," love. I'm talking about the love my family has for me, and I for them. I've never felt like my parents don't care about me. In fact sometimes I think they've cared too much. They've loved me since they knew that I existed as little embryo inside my mother's uterus. They've clothed me. They've fed me. They've held me close and wiped away my tears. They've listened to my fears and doubts and then encouraged me. They've reminded me countless times of how much they love me. Some kids go their entire childhoods hearing their parents argue. Some kids beg for their parent's attention for just a few minutes. I have never lacked in attention from my parents. I have honestly never heard my parents yell at each other. And for that, I'm lucky.

I know now that I've had a really great life. What do I have to complain about, really? The good things in my life have definitely outweighed the negative things.

So I encourage anyone who reads this to take a few seconds and list just a couple things you're grateful for. Before you know it, you'll have a huge list. Maybe you'll realize you're lucky, just like me. :)


Friday, November 5, 2010

Schoolio is Coolio

Hey peeps, Kendra is back yo!

What have I been up to you ask? I'll make a list. :)

School has been going really well. I think this will be my first semester where I'll pass all of my classes!! Yay me!!

I also signed up this week for my classes next semester. I finally decided to make it official--I'm a pre-Elementary Education major! I'm kind of excited, but at the same time I'm nervous. The Major wants students to take somewhere between 14-16 credits a semester, but I just don't think I can handle that much work. So I'll be taking a few classes during the spring and summer terms to ease the load during the semesters.

I work at the Creamery. :) Holla! It's tons of fun, even though I have to handle raw meats. I am so lucky to have such great co-workers. They make working so much fun, and most of the time I don't even think about what else I could be doing with my time.

It's truly been a great semester so far. I am having so much fun in my apartment complex. I feel like I am making a lot of friends here and it's great!! I've never had so many guy friends before. I feel like I'm making a lot of progress in talking to the opposite gender. It's not as awkward as it used to be (for both me and the guys I talk to.. Haha). My roomies and I get along really well so it's always so much fun to be with them. I have 3 of my 5 classes with Hayley and Katrina so that's super awesome because we all study for classes together.

Oh!! So for Hayley's 19th birthday (She's a youngin'!) we went up to Sundance and had a photo shoot. I got a new camera this year which is really awesome compared to my old, cracked and junky grandma one. :)

Aren't we just so adorable? I love us. Really. I am so grateful to have these girls as my roomies! I don't know where I would be without them. They are truly my best friends and I hope we stay that way for forever. I can't imagine BYU life without them! They say the only true friends are ones that make you want to be a better person. Well, I would have to say this is true about Katrina and Hayley!

And, just for kicks and giggles, here's a funny picture of Hayley and I that I just love dearly:
I hope all of you are having wonderful 2010's so far! Mine has been GREAT!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All about me.

It's been super long since I've posted here! My bad. I've been super busy.

Anyways, in this post I'm gonna introduce myself a little better than before.

So, Hi! I'm Kendra and I'm a student at BYU.

Yes, that does mean I am LDS. My religion is very close to my heart.

I'm 5'4 1/2" tall. That 1/2 an inch really does matter. I promise.

I love laughing. It's the best medicine for a bad attitude.

I'm the pickiest eater you will ever meet.

I love to read YA books.

I'm 19, going on 20.

I love musicals more than you will ever know.

I sometimes wish the Harry Potter world was real. I wanna go to Hogwarts.

I'm scared of heights.

I like attractive boys.

I think I'm kind of funny...

I'm opinionated, but I try to have an open mind.

I think everyone is beautiful in different ways.

The Hunger Games Series is one of my new favorites. I love them dearly.

I would love to have a vacation home someday in Disneyland.

I would love to actually LIVE in Disneyland.

But since those last two are impossible, I'll just stick to having a vacation home in California somewhere.

I like to sing. I think I'm pretty good.

I also like boys who smell good.

I listen to music all the time.

And I'm sure there's more I could tell you, but I think I'll leave that for another post.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hey all! So the temp job went well. They were actually too slow, so Friday was our last day. I sometimes would sit there for an hour without anything to do, so I drew all over a box. Look at how bored I was!

I'm kind of sad, but then again I'm not. I was getting up at 4 AM to get there on time, which was terrible. I always came home and had a nap afterward, unless I had to go immediately to my other job at Robert's. Luckily, though, I can now sleep in, and I paid for my first month of housing at BYU! Yay!
So, guess what? I'm going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with two of my best friends, Tonya and Alex. If you didn't know, I absolutely adore those books with all my heart, with the burning passion of a million million suns.'s pretty intense, I know. But it rocks! Annnndd, next week at Robert's is Wizards Week! I am SO dressing up. It's going to be awesome. If you come visit me, I will be happy. I work Friday evening, so come on in!

Well, that's all I have to say for now. See you later!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting a second job!

So last Thursday, I went in to Stampin' Up! to apply for a temporary spot out on the pickline in the Warehouse. The job would only last from today to July 17th, but I would get paid $10 an hour. Unfortunately, the only shift I would be able to take would be the 5 AM-1:30 PM shift. But, the money could almost cover all of my housing, which would take a lot of burden off my parents' shoulders.

Because they were only hiring 15 people for the morning shift, I was put on the waiting list for the job and told I would be called if for some reason someone didn't show up this morning. And guess what? I just got the call! I start tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I will be able to get up on time. Wednesdays and Fridays will be especially hard, though, since I'll also be working my other job at Robert's Arts and Crafts. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My first post!

Hey there everyone! The name's Kendra. I just graduated from Kearns High school, and I'm proud of it! Pretty much I'm just making this post so I can edit my page and preview it. =D See ya!